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Super Thrive 1 Litre

by Vitamin Institute

Price: $124.99 Loading Data
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Unlock the full potential of your plants and achieve stunning growth with this all-natural, hormone-free supplement.

Say goodbye to transplant shock and watch your plants thrive from the very beginning with this easy-to-use, highly concentrated formula.

Protect your plants from environmental stressors and improve their overall health with this powerful supplement, suitable for all stages of growth.

Elevate your hydroponic system's performance and witness noticeable improvements in your plants' growth rate, vigor, and resilience.

Experience the wonder of healthier, happier plants thanks to this versatile supplement that works with any fertilizer or nutrient solution.

$124.99 Loading Data

Introducing an innovative and highly effective plant supplement that works wonders in hydroponic systems and soil-based growing alike. This powerful, hormone-free formula is designed to improve the health and vitality of your plants, ensuring optimal growth at all stages of their life cycle. By incorporating this supplement into your regular feeding schedule, you will be providing your plants with a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that promote healthy root development, increased resistance to environmental stressors, and rapid recovery from transplant shock.
Our easy-to-use, highly concentrated solution is compatible with any fertilizer or nutrient program, making it an incredibly versatile addition to your gardening toolkit. This means that no matter your preferred method of cultivation, you can enjoy the benefits of healthier, more resilient plants. The results speak for themselves: witness visibly improved growth rates, enhanced vigor, and an overall happier garden that flourishes under your care.
In addition to its impressive impact on plant health, this supplement is also environmentally friendly and safe to use around pets and children. Its all-natural, non-toxic formula means you can feel confident in the knowledge that your plants are receiving the best possible care without compromising the health of your loved ones or the planet. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, you'll be amazed by the transformative power of this incredible plant supplement.

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Hello, my name is GaiAI and I represent Holland Industry and the products we offer. My purpose is to provide you with information about the product you are viewing and answer any questions you may have. Please keep in mind that I am still in the research and development stages, so my responses may not always be accurate. However, I will do my best to provide you with helpful information.

Please feel free to ask me anything related to the product, and I will do my best to answer in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, if you prefer to ask your question in a particular language, I am happy to accommodate you.

Thank you for choosing Holland Industry as your go-to solution for all your growing needs. Please feel free to reach out if you require any further assistance. Our team is here to help, making your experience delightful and efficient.
super thrive 500 ml super thrive 500 ml


super thrive 4 litres super thrive 4 litres


Product details
Product Dimension: 20.32 x 20.32 x 15.24 cm
Shipping Weight: 1.36 Kg
SKU: 0576

Manufacturer: Vitamin Institute

Date first available: March 20 2011
Bestsellers Rank: #1 in Vitamin Institute
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Verified Purchase

August 05, 2011

I have used Superthrive for several years but this time it really came through for me. I live in a desert climate with sandy clay like soil. A year and a half ago I laid sod myself and within a few months it died. This year I hired professionals to lay sod which ended up costing a couple thousand. Within a few days the color of the grass was fading and after a couple of weeks large hay like patches started to form, some larger than 4 feet even with correct watering. One morning I attached a EZ-FLO MIXER to my hose and set it to mix at 1 tbs a gallon and sprayed the lawn. Later that night I was amazed to see throughout the yellowish brown patches green blades of grass were already out. I've been working on the grass for a little over a month and have treated the lawn 2 other times. Now the largest patch is less than a foot and the grass is an emerald green. The roots have taken and I'm confident I will be enjoying my yard for years to come. At the home depot they sell 4 ounces for $12 so this is a really good deal.



Verified Purchase

September 29, 2009

Looking for a silver bullet to your garden or plant problems? Well, this product is about as close as I've seen! With it's 'low pro' approach to marketing it's easy to miss, but once you try it, you'll understand why as you begin to join their "word of mouth" campaign - you won't be able to help yourself.
ST kicks your plants into high gear, making them much more productive and effecient as they uptake light, water, and nutrients. - remember, it's not a fertilizer - it's an "add-to".
Usage tip (for indoor gardening): you'll be tempted to add ST every time you water... forever and ever and ever :) But, remember, ST packs a lot of B and other vitals. Just like humans, too much of a good thing can be bad (or a waste). So - after introducing to your "grow show" for a few weeks (adding to daily water schedule), move to a twice or three times a week additive. Indoor plants will retain the B longer than those outdoors, and a plant can efficiently use only so much B.

Krystal Archer


Verified Purchase

December 24, 2019

This stuff is simply incredible! We use it for house plants and even the most sickly ones showed new growth as soon as the next day! We grow recreational marijuana and tried it out on two strains over a 12 week grow and the plants grew a full foot taller than is typical for their strain - also bushed out and looked just gorgeous! My sister’s fig tree was dying so we used some on it - just a capful in a five gallon bucket of water. The tree had beautiful new leaves within a few days! Now my landlord, who owns a landscaping business, uses the product faithfully as well! There is a reason this stuff has won awards! It is expensive but you don’t need to use a lot as it is extremely potent. Word of caution though - in plants that produce different as female vs male, use only a little as this stuff can make the plant change sex. For some types of plants, you do not want this. Use in moderation - a little goes a long way.

Jamey Machmueller


Verified Purchase

January 14, 2019

the price may seam steep but then again not really because the dosage per each gallon of water is very small and this is a 1 gallon container. My mom has used this for over 10 years she swears by it and i can also attest it is the best fertilizer i have ever used hands down. It will make your plants so huge, healthy, strong and beautiful. After my plants looking meh for years and going to my moms house and seeing all her gorgeous prize worthy plants i decided to start the Superthrive trend also. Wish id done it sooner because my plants get me compliments every time i have visitors i have around 70 and they are the most vibrant colors and healthy looking. I initially put ordering this product due to the price being a bit high so i waited and waited and i can say that sometimes you really do get what you pay for and this is one of those instances where you need to just swallow the cost and buy it!

Let It Bee


Verified Purchase

August 16, 2012

Many of my plants were struggling during the recent drought, so I decided to try this product to see if it would help revive them. I used 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, and drenched the root area of each plant out to the dripline. I repeated once a week for 3 weeks. All I can say is "Wow!" Many plants that I thought were "goners" are sprouting new growth, especially my young apple and cherry trees. I also used this product when I transplanted some perennials, and they are all thriving! I plan to continue applying every 10 to 14 days until fall. Please note that you need to use this product IN ADDITION to fertilizer. I got great results by applying an organic granular fertilizer, adding a layer of compost, and then drenching the root zone with Superthrive.



Verified Purchase

February 14, 2015

My parents had planted 2 balled cypress trees on either side of their dock about 5 years ago and while one of the trees grew just fine the other struggled to stay alive. After about 5 years the "good" tree was twice the size of the "bad" one. We finally decided to try superthrive (alone with no other fertilizers) on the bad tree as a last resort to replacing the it. I'll admit I was a skeptic, but within a single year the bad tree grew to a height taller than the good tree. Its not quite as full as the good tree but its a good 1-2 foot taller. I'm currently in the process of transplanting live oak trees to a property in Bastrop,TX (wildfires destroyed the place) and am using superthrive to help minimize the shock and to get the trees established more quickly.

Lillian Ammann (Lillie)


Verified Purchase

July 31, 2014

I've used Superthrive since I owned a tiny plant shop back in the 1970s. I talked myself out of a big sale one time--a regular customer came in and said she had to replace all her plants because her husband had failed to water her plants while she was out of town, and they were all dying. I suggested she buy a small bottle of Superthrive first and use it on the plants to see if she could revive any of them. She took my advice and came back later to tell me she didn't need any new plants after all--they had all perked up and thrived after the Superthrive treatment. I won't guarantee it will save every dying plant, but I can say with certainty that it will make healthy plants vigorous and most unhealthy plants better.

Andrew H.


Verified Purchase

August 27, 2021

I've used Super Thrive since the late 1980s, but never this much. After the very hot and prolonged summer of 2020 in Phoenix, with 20 days over 110 deg, my tress and shrubs were stressing out, turning brown and dropping leaves like crazy. After twice per week heavy treatments with Super Thrive they have revived to the point they needed trimming in the late winter and by spring looked better than ever. I feel it costs a lot less to save the plants than replace them, in both money and time. I bought another bottle this spring and have been giving light doses this spring and summer. The forecast is for 111 deg again today, 8/27/21, but my plants are holding up well.

M Harris


Verified Purchase

July 25, 2020

Started with an experiment in my garden, with and without superthrive. Clearly, although subjectively, there is a significant difference between the plants . We’ve never had annual flowers last past April/may here in south Florida but it’s July and flowers are thriving in the heat and humidity. Have been applying systemically as per directions, and as a foliiar spray mixed with Miracle grow. Using on Citrus-biggest improvement, blueberries, pineapples,peppers and tomatoes. Even applying by spray to my orchids now. Again my observations are just that.. observations, but i did do side by side comparison for several months. Highly recommend.



Verified Purchase

May 27, 2020

This really revives a plant! We have had trees nearly die and we have seen them come out of it and literally flourish. We do use a much stronger dose than recommended. We mix 4-6 oz in 5 gal bucket and poor around the tree every 7 days for 4 weeks. We have seen exceptional results on a Japanese lilac - a dogwood tree- a weeping Norway Spruce.
We do experience a lot of winter kill in our area and in the spring we use super thrive about 1 Tbsp per gal. water pouring a little on each of the bushes and trees to give them a boost. Also on our new plantings as a stimulant. We have had very good results.

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